Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Listening to: Patrick Park - 'Something Pretty'
Mood: Appropriately Nervous

Nervous for two reasons:

A) Interview in the morning at DHL International Shipping Company. They used to be Airborne Express - but the Phoenix location is strictly international shipments now - so that's preferable to domestic in my opinion.

2) The play starts Friday - and the stage actors are having more and more troubles everyday, but the thing about "The Odd Couple" is that the dialogue is so ample, that it's not really a big deal to skip a few lines - the general concept is still there. But for us voice actors, the challenge is to seamlessly compensate for the improv, and it's not always the easiest thing to do to figure out how far the stage actor has jumped since they are signing.

Plus, no offense to him, but the guy voicing for the part of "Felix," despite having an accurately toned voice, is not fast enough to keep up and finds himself trying to squeeze the rest of his line in as another character should be speaking. That's just not good. So I hope he catches the mistake before Friday.

But the more times we rehearse this thing (everyday now) the more I get a feel for their stage directions and can recognize which signs go with each line.

There's a part in the play where Oscar is in the kitchen and Felix, the timid, neat-freak, neurotic one is left to talk to the two sisters, Gwendolyn and Cecily, in the living room. They are all on a double-date, and Felix is completely uncomfortable when talking to them alone, but soon resorts to talking about his estranged wife. I think tonight Gwen said a line that was completely out of place which threw the other two so far off that the whole scene was completely botched, but this close to opening night, we just pushed through. So they kept saying random lines that didn't go together at all (intentionally at this point), followed by a long period of laughter and confused looks to each other.

Then Felix offers the girls chips, which is basically supposed to be at the end of a really long line of his at the end of the conversation - and frankly, I almost laughed my stomach out!

These people are so awesome.


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