Saturday, July 16, 2005

Sure, I had had a few drinks at the time, but I was totally sober.

I went to Urban Outfitters on Mill Ave last night with Adam and saw an angel with brown hair and these blueblueblue eyes. She needed my phone number for the transaction, and the conversation went something (let's face it, I remembered the whole thing word for word) like this:

Angel: May I have your phone number?

Matt: Absolutely!

Angel smiles. Oh my goodnessgracious, the smile...

Angel: Ok... What is it?

Matt: OH! Um... Uh... oh yeah. (Matt gives her the number.)

Angel laughs and begins wrapping up said sunglasses.

Matt (con't): Um, can I tell you how incredibly attractive you are? And I'll probably never see you again, so I just wanted to tell you that you have the prettiest face I've ever seen in my entire life.

Angel does a dorky, giddy move with a nervous laugh/smile and thanks Matt. Adam craps his pants.

I think I made Angel's night. Or I hope I did. The dork move she made after that leads me to believe that not nearly enough people tell her that (definitely a good thing).


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