Saturday, September 27, 2003

Well, another day... I'm really excited because a week from today I will be in North Georgia rafting! If I can find a picture of the place I will... Hmm... Well I just looked, and all the pictures were stupid, so just imagine what it would look like!

Anyway, so my mom, all of the sudden, says she is going to pay for me to fly out to Arizona to see her... Which is fine with me. I haven't had cooked food in a long time. Oh, and I get to see Mom too. I'm planning on going to KY for Thanksgiving. Exciting. No really. Here are some pictures of my birth city, Frankfort. Man, those pictures are awesome. Believe me, it doesn't look as cool when you are actually there. I do like the mountains though, especially when it's snowy out.

Oh, and I started swimming again last week. The first day, which I'm pretty sure was Tuesday, I could only swim half a mile (about 35 laps) and I was dead. I felt really sick and everything. Then I swam on Thursday and swam 102 laps before I ran out of time (I only had an hour and a half). That's about a mile and a half. Today I'm swimming from 1 - 4 so I'll let you know how I do. I'm trying to train enough to start swimming on this local team. Then if I'm good enough, I can swim for NYU when I get there (wishful thinking in so many ways...).


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