Thursday, June 19, 2003

I was just watching this lame show called "Beyond" where this weird little man tells you what your dead relative wants to say to you. He goes on about various things that the people do just to prove that he's really talking to the dead people, and hardly says anything else except "your (insert dead relative here) loves you very much". Today was a bit scary though, maybe because sometimes he's dead on, but mostly because after he says things that are so real to the people, he promotes Catholicism. He told this guy that his mother is still with us, but that he needs to get a rosary and pray to St. Anthony.

Now just assuming that this guys is really receiving these messages from something, the bible says to "believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." I think he may indeed be receving something... Think of what the goal of Satan and his demons is, to thwart God's plan and will. This man is just a tool to get people comfortable with death, to make them forget that they are responsible to believe and repent. He makes it seem like everyone is OK after death, that everyone is good and goes to heaven. This world is covered in demonic and seducing spirits that are not easily seen. This man appears to be comforting people with his words, when it may mean the cost of their souls.

Hence the Bible also says this would happen in the last days.


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