Tuesday, September 30, 2003

I can't wait until Thanksgiving. When that Moday arrives I get to start packing and preparing for a lone roadtrip. Needless to say, I'm going to attempt to find a cheap hotel room half way through so that I can make the trip a little easier on myself, but then, there are only four days on that vacation, so maybe I'll just drive straight through.

I haven't been to KY since last Thanksgiving, and I didn't do most of the driving then. I went with Ray and Jess and we had a blast driving up! Ok, so it wasn't a blast, and my CD player was in the shop, but we still had a good time. The trip back was what sucked. But that's always how the trip back is. There's nothing to look forward to except for your bed, which is cool, but the thought of it only makes you more tired. I'll see if I can do this alone or not.

Apart from that, I'm also taking a long road trip up to North Georgia in just 3 short days. SCORE! White water rafting is so fun... So I hear anyway... OK, I'm going to find a picture, but it's not going to be of the place we're going. You get the idea.

Wow, I actually found a movie, and it actually works on my blog. That's sweet.

Anyway, I hope I get to see Mom soon, I know we were talking about me going over to Arizona soon, but it seems a little hectic here what with me and my job search. I hope she can come to Kentucky this Thanksgiving, that would be great.


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