Monday, October 13, 2003

USF seemed so generic at first. The second-rate teachers and ghetto students makes one think that this school is almost at community college level.

Then I heard about some teachers in the English department that were not only phenomenal instructors, but were also very accomplished. When Jen told me of two such professors, I was determined to take a class with each of them, no matter what the class was. One teacher, Dr. Anthony Kubiak, taught at Harvard, among other places. Needless to ask, why is he at USF? That question will probably forever remain unanswered.

Then came the discovery to end all discoveries... Me and Jen rented "Good Will Hunting" yesterday, because we agree that it is one of our all time favorites, being the critical movie buffs we are. After the movie, we didn't say much, just that we are going to meet Wednesday to chat some more and discuss movie stuff (I'm trying to find a script to print so we can talk about it).

Anyway, when I got home, I opened my notebook, quickly jotted down "plot brainstorm", boxed it in, and twidled a pen in my fingers. After a few moments of nothing, I reached for my sketchbook, and got a little closer to finishing my drawing. Junior was in his room talking on the phone, and I was in the living room on the couch.

Jen called about 10 minutes later, semi-frantic, but it sounded like she had something incredible. Earlier, I had told her about the overlaid commentary that comes on the DVD, so she decided to watch it to see what the actors and director thought of the different scenes. During one scene, Matt Damon is talking about his inspiration for the movie (as he wrote most of it) and mentioned a playwriting class at Harvard, where overall, he learned to listen...

Guess who his professor was? Dr. Anthony Kubiak, whom Matt remembered by full name.

A professor at USF inspired one of the greatest movies of all time, and taught one of the best actors/writers, I've ever known. Tell me, what could be cooler than that? There may be hope for a connection between me and USF afterall.

I'm looking forward to my time with Kubiak, and I hope I get to tell this story on my own commentary one day.


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