Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Last year, my roommate, Junior, bought the extended version of "The Fellowship of the Rings", which is by far one of the best movies ever created, from start to finish. Included in the package were the movie, and several (by several I mean about 4 hours worth) documentaries on the production of the film.

It's so amazing to see what they did to prepare for this epic film. From story boards, to small scale production, to finished product, they spent a heck of a lot of time and detail in creating the exact world that they required. Then there was New Zealand itself. Stunning... You know, once upon a time I was planning a trip down there with Meg. I still intend on going some day, because I never fail to hear praise of the country form those who have visited.

So that's a weak update for those of you who are desperately craving to see what's new in my life and will stop at nothing to hear what I have to say about things. For you, I am sorry. Why so short? Because there is NOTHING new in my life.

Well, Monday night Junior said I looked like Jason Priestley, which is really quite laughable since he is shorter, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and dimples. Then he changed his opinion to Matt looks like someone from that show, 90210. Then, after we went through all the possibilities of who I could look like, he said that maybe I just had that privileged, white-boy look that would fit on a show almost like that. So I went from lookling like cousin Jason, to looking like I could play an extra on a TV show that somehow resembles a show that was cancelled a long time ago.

Didn't they have a reunion a few days ago? Darn, I missed it.


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