Wednesday, August 06, 2003

There I am.

I watched Tomb Raider last night, unfortunately. Yeah, it's as stupid as the orginal, which was pretty much expected.

Anyway, I'm going in for an interview at Bennigan's today, and I'm putting in other applications today as well, just to see what turns up. I plan to have two jobs if possible, so we'll see.

Jen is teaching right now. This is her first day of teaching, and I can't wait to hear how it went. I'm going to leave it at that because I'm not sure if she has reservations about her life appearing in my blog... :)

Junior lives with me now and we've been having a blast!! Ok, well not a blast, but he's a cool guy. He's been hanging out with me and Dave pretty much everyday for a while now. Dave's cool. I've been hanging out with him at least 6 days a week for the past several months. Who knew? I pretty much assumed that hanging out with someone that much meant disaster to the relationship, but we are still happy to hang out and talk and go places, just like the first week. That probably started that weekend I went to West Palm Beach with him (thanks again for driving, Dave).

Well, I'm off to my house where I shall call Bennigan's and see what the deal is. Then I have to mail some stuff I should have done like 5 weeks ago... (!)

Oh, and I updated my entry from August 3rd, which might be helpful to some.

Drink your Ovaltine®.


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