Sunday, August 03, 2003

So I went to Hard Rock Cafe yesterday for my birthday. That was pretty fun, I mean relatively. I had a good time, but it was so late when we got out of the restaurant that we didn't have much time to do anything else. Oh well, I'm glad we went.

And with that, I'll be 20 tomorrow... I have about 25 hours left of being a teenager, and I'm recapping everything in my head of what has happened in the past 7 years. Overall, it's pretty amazing how naive I can be. So many issues have been affected by my naivity. I thought my family would always be the good one, not affected by anything, much less adultery. I thought my brother was actually saved like he said. I thought for sure that if I offered my heart, it would be taken. And now, I'm going into the next decade, the third section of my life, and I hope at the end of this one, I won't strive and fail, just to be disappointed. I hope my loves and aspirations are placed appropriately and that I am not ashamed of myself before the Lord as I have been. That is, Lord willing, if I should make it to 30.


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