Monday, October 27, 2003

So I went to the Bebo Norman concert last night (thanks again, Jen) and it was phenomenal. The opening band was really good too; a couple of kids from Tennessee.

It got me thinking about a few things. First, the world is so much bigger than me. On that note, I'm just a boy, and I'm not going to change the world. On the other hand, I also started thinking about how incredibly self-centered I have become (as an American, I think) and that I've put it out of my head that there are people in the world who really do live on dirt and wear the same things for months. Kids die because they don't even have bread, and I'm complaining about stupid stuff because I just have too much time on my hands.

The opening band sang a song called "Stuck in a Moment" which was written by U2 a few years ago. I feel like I'm totally stuck in this "be cool" moment, where I spend my time thinking of ways to better myself, wondering the best path I could take to make myself shine.

The truth is, we only truly shine when we ourselves aren't a part of that glory. I want to emanate Christ and his love to others. I want it to be about them so that it's ultimately about Christ and his glory.

Anybody with me on this?

Anyway, after the concert, I took my friend Joel back to campus, and we sat in the piano rooms and played a few songs. I've been really progressing lately, and I know all the main chords now. So last night I learned a few more songs and played this one about 50 times until I could sing and play without messing up. Needless to say, my voice was a little shot, and my back hurt quite a bit from sitting (stupid posture), but I really thank God for whatever abilities He's given me. I want to use them and make it all about him.

God forbid I should take what's His and claim it for a majesty I've made for myself.


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