Thursday, October 16, 2003

Time to update. I feel like I haven't written in forever, and it's actually only been like two days.

This week has been so long, and so short at the same time. I mean it feels like it has gone by very quickly, yet it seems like forever since Monday...

I'm almost finished with my latest drawing, a black and white, of a guy sitting. That's the description you guys get for now. I use colored pencils manufactured by PrismacolorĀ®, which work wonders for a technique I use called "burnishing." Basically, that's when all the pours of the paper are filled with color, and tend to make the drawing look more like a painting, which is always the goal for me. Most of the time, I just lay the foundation colors and use a white pencil to blend.

Seriously, you've probably never seen it done because it takes so long. And then there's the question, why don't I just paint? Well, I'll eventually do some paintings, but for now, this is my preferred medium. It's all I know for the most part; I've been doing it for so long. Maybe I'm just being cautious and I don't want to suck at painting. Ah, we'll see.

Oh, and I guess it's important to mention, I had my second interview on Wednesday and it went better than the first one. And they also have as much overtime as I want, which means I can work a hundred hours a week and make $50,000 a year if I wanted, which I do, but I don't. Ya know? Anyway, it sounds cool! When people ask me how much I make annually, I could just selectively mumble the words "as much as" and then exclaim, "$50, 000!!!!!!" Cool, yes? So anyway, I asked if there was any reason why I shouldn't get the job, and she said no and that she couldn't imagine the three other candidates being better than me. Um, yeah lady, whatever works. Plus she was like all of 22 years old, and I think she was flirting... Maybe it was my revealing shirt. Not.

Thus ends the tragically boring update for the day. Realistically, my first big purchase after my new job will be a computer (after I pay off my bills), which means I can spend loads of time sitting here writing more boring crapple for you guys. Yay for you! Yay for me! Yay for DellĀ®!


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