Monday, May 03, 2004

And I just noticed that Meg asked me some questions.

1. Hmm... The complete works of C.S. Lewis, and the complete works of William Shakespeare. Both a tad trite, but I'm just being honest. My brit lit class has really opened my eyes to Shakespeare. I used to hate him. And I don't think any comments are necessary concerning Lewis. :)

2. Impossible to answer. I know a few that are definitely up there: The Breakfast Club, Schindler's List, and Lord of the Rings, which I'll only count as one since it's really just one 12 hour movie (extended versions anyway). I'm not sure what order, and what the other two would be; sometimes it's like apples and oranges. I like everything about movies. Kill Bill (both volumes), for instance, has the most beautiful cinematography I've ever seen.

3. Hands down, Angelina Jolie. By a lot.

Also let me know if anyone wants me to make them a banner for their blog, I made Joshy one earlier, but it's not on his site yet. It was fun!