Monday, September 01, 2003

So yeah, it appears as if no one reads my blog anymore... Why the lack of comments people? Am I being too boring? Do you not care anymore? Am I not entertaining to you? I used to get upwards of 25 hits per day. Now I've dwindled to a petty 13 per day and I have you to thank for it. Should I add more pictures? Maybe type in ALL CAPS? Ok, maybe not.

I'll add pics when I'm good and ready. I've pretty much finished two drawings that are going into the portfolio, which is progress if I do say so myself. Booya! And when I get around to it, I'm going to do some photography.

I'm really excited that we get to go back to Fort Lauderdale in a few weeks. We haven't been in so long (as in, a couple of months). This whole summer has been crap so far, but I have to say, it feels really nice to not have any homework. Ahhh... A good break is needed right now.

My cousin started at Virginia Tech last week. How's it going? Well, he pretty much hates it. Basically, it's overrated, overpriced, and poorly staffed, which kind of comes as a shock to me because it seems like one of the best schools if you ask anyone else. I trust his judgment though, which is why I'm happy he's decided to transfer to the University of Kentucky next semester and live with his family. This would save them money, and he would get to live with them. He's so lucky to be able to live with his whole family together like that. What a comfort. It's also cool because then I would get to visit them more often (because I've only visited them in Vermont once in my whole life).

The Bible study went well last night. I got to lead the chapter this week, 1 Corinthians 2, which says, for the most part, that the only way one can learn the things of God is by the Holy Spirit, and that the things we teach and hear from scripture can't be learned by the "natural man" which is to say any unbeliever, because they haven't accepted Christ.

What's amazing is that the wisdom of God is found in the complex things of Himself, but even more in what we see as simple. The bible says that King Solomon was the wisest man to ever live. He knew so many things, in so many areas. God had led him through so many areas, ups and downs and through wealth and poverty. He was exposed to the most profound truths and even wrote the book of Proverbs as well. What was his conclusion to all the profound experiences? His "conclusion to the whole matter" is that we should fear God and keep His comandments.

I mean, that is so simply put, and seemingly so simple to acheive. I think we'd do well to stick to the simple things and find God present in the daily aspects of life before we should look beyond that.


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