Thursday, September 29, 2005

I'm sorry for those of you who enjoyed the pictures. I was just so SICK of looking at my brother's face when I went to my blog.

I started typing a sentence about the cool things that happened last week and this week, but I have to save that for a better mood. I'm extremely pissed off about what happened at work just now.


*Ahem* Sorry.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

This should really just be added to my last post, but I'm too lazy to go back to the first page to click "edit," so I'm just gonna post a new one.

So I've decided that this will be the primary one, since apparently the primary ones are always pretty much straight-on and really bright, and they usually have catchy eyes. So here it is.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

This is my brother. It became apparent to me recently that some of you didn't even know I had one. Well, here he is. He's the hot one, as you can see. These headshots are going to Hollywood and beyond.

(I don't know... "and beyond" seemed to fit.)


He looks like Hugh Grant in this one, I think.


This is his favorite.


This is my favorite.


Looks kinda young in this one, but I like it.


We're going to print them out now.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Listening to: Imogen Heap - Hide and Seek
Mood: Sinking. Feeling.

I want to go home (in many ways).

Thursday, September 08, 2005

I have this theory that people who are really good at something and then become that and devote their lives to that one specific skill... well, they're just all-around boring people. Like people who are famous for doing just the one thing, ya know? Like if you've ever met someone who's devoted themselves to Physics or Chemistry, they might not be great with social interaction or something.

I think the rest of us float on different levels of being good at certain things and not good at others. Sometimes we'll do one thing and wish we had chosen another (on a small scale or large) because we couldn't make up our minds, and we live sometimes in the fear that we've made the wrong choice (again, on a small scale or otherwise). The more you doubt your choices, the more interesting you are (if you agree with me).

I must be the most interesting. person. ever.

Having said all that, film school is starting to suck, mainly because the teachers do. I'm being taught by those who didn't make it, and sometimes they have trouble hiding their bitterness. Their feedback to my work is not really even welcome considering that, to listen, I'd be subconsciously conforming to someone whose tactics have never succeeded in the business they profess to have mastered. Does that make sense?

Anyway - we'll see if I continue after this semester.

Also, it's funny how arbitrary the real world is (and I mean that in a detached-from-the-rest-of-this-post sort of way).

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Listening to: the buzz of fluorescent lighting
Mood: sad

I got an email from Jen about her grandfather.

Here's a portion of the email:

"They found out yesterday that he has stomach cancer and he has a very large tumor in his stomach. They want to do surgery, but due to his weakened state from not being able to eat much for weeks, they have to keep him hospitalized for several weeks before they operate. As you probably know, this could possibly only allow the cancer to spread further. I've only had a chance to talk to my step dad this morning - which is when I just found out, so I'm sure the family is going to be torn between grief and uncertainty with my grandfather..."

It's a shock because if you saw the man, you'd think he was in his 50s (tops), which would be about 20 years younger than he is, and he's very active. I've met him several times, and I think he's one of the funniest guys I know, and can pick a guitar like none other. You should see his collection of mandolins and guitars. He makes you comfortable, and in a way, he's everyone's grandfather.

For the things above, please pray.
