Wednesday, July 30, 2003


"How much would we not take seriously if it were called . i mean sure i would use it for light laughter, but serious research? fuggedabout it!"

Tuesdays with Amir B... Ahh...
This is too funny for me not to post it. I am going to edit out the cussing, but in case you haven't been, Amir Bobrooni is extremely funny:

"ANYWAYS, where was i?

Oh right, umm... as im sure you guys know, lifes most awkward situation is walking towards somebody, who is walking towards you, and you sort of know that person. My campus is built on a sort of incline, so at the given point, if the stars align properly i can make eye contact with a person i may or may not have to wave to about 3 miles before i actually pass him. Heres the break-down of what usually goes-down

(distance - description of situation)

300 yards - still far enough so you can stare that guy in the eyes, to make sure you know if its really that person you sort of know.
250 yards - Uh oh! better start fake looking to the right or left soon. have you checked your fake watch yet? call that plan B. i guess.
200 yards - crap, the other person clearly saw you look at him/her. now its just a matter of assessing wether you two will mutually fake avoid each other.
150 yards - Hey i wonder if the sun is still in the sky? you wonder as you stare up at earths heat source as another way to avoid him.
100 yards - its basically a joust, make your decision now, wave? dont wave? say something? maybe even STOP!?
50 yards - brief look overs to see if they ar goin in for anything too crazy... kay theyre not.


"Hey/Hey" The cordial Hey. hey. You guys awknowledge each others existence but dont need to say too much.
"Wave, then scratch your head" You wave. Holy crap theyre not looking, ummm umm i just had an itch... i swear i did.
"Heyoookaaaay im not talking" You say hey, they walk by, you turn your hey into some sort of hum or talk to yourself soliliquy.
"Be the b*tch." You always say hi and they dont look. This time you're determined to walk by without looking, they say HI they WAVE but youre mind is f'ing SET. Youre the butthole today, but thats just fine.

The situation is quite awful, as you can see, and often ends unpleasently..."
I've decided that I'm going to take at least one (1) road trip this summer, before things start up again.

I've narrowed the choices down to a few finalists.

1. Charleston: Well, Dad lives here, yay fun. And the beach is ok too, I should try to surf if the waves are decent.
2. Atlanta: Benji invited me. He said whenever he goes, they go for a night and walk around to all the shops and stuff. Very cool place to take pictures, I'd say...
3. Other: Any suggestions? Please try to think of things not too far, but more than say, 6 hours of driving. And no, Pensacola does not count. I've been there, it sucks.

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Ok, I changed a few things, seems a little more clean cut now... What do you think?

Saturday, July 26, 2003

So originally, I wasn't going to take any classes this fall, so that I could concentrate on work before I apply for college in New York, but I think they would like to see me take some liberal arts classes and do well in them before they let me come. So since I can still take classes here (assuming I can pay for them), I plan on taking a few just to raise my gpa. I have to be interested in them though, or it's fruitless...

I should also try to take some of the classes over that I bombed the first time. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, simply because I hated them to begin with - that's why I bombed. I wonder how it would look to the admissions officers though, taking classes that I don't like and doing well in them. Bah - it will never happen.

Ok, well if I take the Architecture class over, which wasn't boring or anything, I just stopped going because I worked full time and it was a very expensive class to maintain, and I take oceanography over (yawn), then one more class in which I am interested (probably a lit class) then I will have a 2.6 gpa, which is a LOT better than it is right now (don't laugh). Then if I retake physics in the spring (AAAAAAAARGH!) and the lab (cake), plus two classes of 3 credits each, I'll have a 2.9, which is close to a 3.0 which is what they are after... I have to make straight A's though, which means that if any of you ask me to do anything for the next year, I will count you as a traitor and one who is out to sabotage my future...

Friday, July 25, 2003

So I came up to school for like one hour without a parking permit so I could get online, and my car gets booted. Then I had to walk all the way up to parking services where this know-it-all lady tells me I owe over two hundred dollars...

WHAT?! I couldn't believe it. I had parking tickets that they had never bothered me about (and I had assumed that they used my scholarship money to pay for them a while back) and I didn't know I had THAT many...

This small spanish girl, with lots of gold, who apparently also knows everything, and was probably a few years younger then me, proceeded to lecture me about financial responsibility, and how it would have been much cheaper to just buy a pass in the beginning than to pay all these tickets now... Well no duh retard, you must be a math major. I was like "um... ok, thanks for that much needed input." Talk about self-control.

I hate USF, and I'm SOOO never taking another class here again.

Thursday, July 24, 2003

I called NYU today. That was kind of weird, seeing as how I put that whole chapter to rest two years ago.

I really think this is an excellent pursuit. I know that declining acceptance is my biggest regret so far in life, and if I had another opportunity, I'd go in a flash. So I called and the guy said I had a good chance of getting accepted again. Actually, he said they probably even still have my old file, with my portfolio/essays/letters of recommendation, etc. That's such good news seeing as how they will be including that stuff (apparently) in my next review come December when I apply again. He also said that they'd probably be interested in seeing why I decided to stay here and do something that is completely contrary to the aspirations I had with New York, and why I have some not-so-good grades. I guess it's not that great that I have to apply as a transfer student, transferring some of my mediocre grades to their school, but hey, as long as I'm accepted, I don't care what they transfer. He said it wasn't that bad since the grades I got were in classes dealing with a totally different realm of study.

Jen, I need you to proofread this essay I wrote explaining to them why I didnt go two years ago. It's rather long, not too too bad though. So if you're up to it, let me know. And if it is possible to get letters of recommendation from friends (probably not), would you give me one??? :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

So I realized today that maybe the reason I stink at school is because I hate what I'm doing. I'm beginning to think that maybe I should go back to the beginning of my dreams and just move to New York City, as planned, and become a famous director. I had wanted it for so long, and gave it up for a reason that escapes me.

This world is full of people who had many dreams, never fulfilling any of them. Not to sound trite or anything, but that's definitely the truth. Why can't I just stop everything and go do what I want to do? Why do I have to suck it up now, do something I hate and wait for the right moment to begin living? I'm alive now. I feel like i've clipped my own wings to stay in a confined space that I created. I don't want to grow up only to realize what God had for me, and that I gave it up so I could play it safe and do the usual course.

I'm diligent when I want to be (think about that one for a second), and now is the time to let go of these foolish ambitions. They've taken me too far and I've payed for them. I don't think this is what God has for me, there has to more than this. Right?

Thursday, July 17, 2003

I suck at school. That's all I'm gonna say.

I have a splitting headache.

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

I hate when people tell me what is wrong with me in an unloving way.

I mean if you think I have a problem with self-righteousness say so. And if you think I'm unloving say so. But don't pair that with telling me that since I'm so self-centered or unloving you are going to stop talking to me. That's just not Christ-like.

She knows how to push my buttons. She led me to Christ 4 years ago, and has been my most controversial sibling in Christ. Ever. And now she doesn't even want to talk to me anymore (Again!). She says we are in "two different places right now" so that merits a complete separation for life from each other.

To be honest, maybe I am better off. Maybe it's better that she made this decision instead of me struggling to be her friend for the years to come.

Maybe I am self-centered/self-righteous/unloving. Maybe I'm a sinner. Maybe we are all a little of all of the above. I won't use that as an excuse, but at this point, I can still chalk it up to immaturity, both in my life and in my walk. I'm still walking though, and I'm really trying. The last thing I want to do is hurt her, but I can't talk to her anymore.

Well, she said she would pray for me, and Lord-willing in her prayers maybe she will realize her harshness and coldness over the past 7 years of friendship (she treated me like this even before I was saved) and stop her facade of "perfect holiness".

Oh and I even thanked her for the admonishment at the end of the argument, and she thought I was being sarcastic, even though I said I wasn't. I wonder how much of this was due to the fact that you can't tell someone's tone over instant messages.

Oh well, such is life.
Ok, why are there 4 beautiful girls in the engineering computer lab? This makes no sense... Engineering girls aren't attractive... are they?

Monday, July 14, 2003

This is funny. These people from share ways of avoiding actual work at the workplace. Enjoy:

• I open lots of spreadsheets and frown at them like, “I’m very busy concentrating on these highlighted cells. They hold the key to my life."

• Tip: Excel makes you look busier than Word.

• Sometimes I open a book of client contacts and then just dial the time and temperature over and over again so people won't talk to me.

• Also, I mouth numbers like, “…47, 48...” I totally went to college. Thanks, college!
- Sarah B., Project Manager

• Try walking everywhere very quickly, in a huff, running out the door and saying in this important voice, “I'll be right back," like you’re all put off, but then go smoke in your car.

• If you act mad, no one is going to ask you to do anything.

- Penny P., Account Manager

• My trick is to open an application and click on subfolders with furrowed eyebrows, like I'm trying to find a file that's been misplaced.

• Sometimes, too, I will customize the size of an internet page to fit inside a window on my Outlook, so it looks like I'm reading email.

• Also, scanning for viruses or anything with a bar that says "% complete" is your friend.
- The Plug, Office Manager

• The best is when I do “research." I do a lot of "research," which means I pull up the Yahoo finance page and stare into space. I read articles online only through the first paragraph, and then I e-mail it to people saying it's a really good article they should read. And they think, "Man, she's really up on her stuff."

• I also walk hurriedly down the hall with a stack of papers in my hand looking all busy, and then I throw them in the recycle box.

• You can spend a good half hour organizing your e-mail. Sometimes read all the junk mail.

• A spreadsheet with a crap load of numbers on it is nice to have at your disposal, too. When people come in, you can sigh.

• Oh, and keep a pen in your hand at all times. Every now and then, grab your calculator and start adding people's phone numbers. Then pretend you screwed it up and get all mad and start over.

- Alexis T., Marketing Coordinator

So I had an ok weekend, mom was here, I got some free groceries, went out to eat twice, saw a decent movie that I had already seen before, and once again, I got to play the fool.

Surprise, surprise... And I'm not going any further with that story.

I got an email from Jill last night, apparently she sent it a few days ago... She's coming to Tampa and I'm helping make arrangements for that, so that should be fun. We haven't seen her in over a year.

It's finals week, which should be alarming to me, but for some reason, isn't. I haven't done much more this time around than I did last semester, so why start now? Anyway, it shouldn't be that hard.

I'm looking for a job now, and I need to make a resume to send out. I'm thinking about sending one over to BrightHouse Networks (Roadrunner) for their customer service rep position. How boring is that? Anyway, it's money so...

About Arizona... I think that was just a very brief/very bad idea I had for like 47 minutes one day and I don't think it's such a good idea anymore. My friend Nick in Fort Lauderdale, however, did ask me to move in when his brother moves out sometime in the next few months. That was slightly shocking, although it was a nice gesture on his part. I'm seriously thinking of taking him up on the offer because I really like it down there. Plus it would be a little cheaper and I could easily transfer to Florida Atlantic University. Having said that, I don't think I'm going to school this fall semester, as I need a full time job to pay for things around here. Don't worry, I'm not dropping out, I intend on finishing what I started. But apart from a few people I know, most of my friends either took a long time to finish their respective degrees or took some time off either before or during their program. Some people even took a decade to finish... ;)

Oh well, that's it for now... Just want to ask, do you guys think I should change the blue background for the links? I could just make all of them black so it would match a little better, but it kind of looks cool as is. what do you think?

Friday, July 11, 2003

I know you must like the new pic and color scheme... Try scrolling over the links, they change colors...

Like the new quote? That's John Donne for you, master poet.

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

So I'm off to clean the place for now... Mom is coming to town Friday night... Maybe she'll want to see "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" with me and the gang.

I hope so; I remember everyone liking my mom last time. She's cool. Definitely invited to everything I do this weekend.

Anyway, that sounded a bit dorky, so I better go before I say something else stupid (at least I'm good at something...)

Take care youngins...
I suggest you guys go see the Origami Boulder asap... This artwork will change the face of Asian culture forever!
So I'm back, lunch was good, besides the fact that instead of eating at La Teresita (a great spanish restaurant) we ate at McDonald's.

Anyway, this short Indian guy sat down to my left here in the computer lab at the exact moment I realized my wallet was sitting halfway between my part of the table and his. The question is, do I go for it and put it back in it's rightful place (my pocket) or do I leave it as to not offend him?
I have about 15 minutes before I go pick up my friend from work.

There is absolutely nothing worth posting right now... Maybe later I can type something controversial.

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

I bought another book last night. I've heard "A Tale of Two Cities" is good, although I've never heard anyone tell me exactly what it's about, until last night. The usual life, love, and loss, but with the perspective of one of the most brilliant authors ever, Charles Dickens.

I think it's so amazing and confusing how humans are made in the image of God. We're his masterpiece, the crowning achievment. We're fearfully and wonderfully made. It's no wonder that even totally depraved man wonders about life, what's in him. I wonder what God thinks as he sees his creation live the life that He has set before them. What his thoughts are when He sees one of us having thoughts on something, especially love. Humans have always wondered about spiritual things, and praise the Lord that when He sought me, I found him.

But I wonder, does He sigh when we're amazed? Does He long to tell us exactly what He is and how this beautiful mess was actually His idea? Does He hurt when we hurt? Who are we that He should be mindful of us? These things I can't understand. But I know He gave me a chance to do things here for Him.

I should feel so lucky that the God of the universe had planned, from the beginning, that I would be part of His plan, part of His story.

Instead of recoiling in my fear and pride, I should do what I'm here to do, nothing less.

So I was in Barnes & Noble last night, as usual, and I spot this book in mix: "The Complete Idiots Guide to: Freelance Writing"

Can you say, Matt Priestley, Freelance writer (this is where I pretend to be related to Jason and get my foot in the door)?

Now I have wanted to do a lot of things, but this seems to take the cake at the moment. First, it takes almost no education, as most big editors care less about talent than they do about deadlines. And while I admit that I'm not usually good with deadlines, I think this would change me. I would be so ecstatic to get a project to work on (no matter what the publication) that I would definitely go above and beyond what they want me to do.

I really would like to do a review on restaurants or movies or something of the like. Heck I'd do book reviews if they paid me. And actually, at this point (assuming the project wouldn't be too time-consuming) I'd do one for free just for the experience and the satisfaction of knowng my name is published...

Anyway, my first break seems distant at this point, but I do intend on writing the query letters and writing samples needed, just in case. I took a class during the fall semester called Mass Communications, where we learned the structure of the newspaper and magazine staffs as well as how to get published. I hope I still have my notes... But I also have a contact, this lady Diane Hudepohl, a freelance writer who regularly writes for Seventeen magazine (which I have approximately zero interest in, but hey...), so I have a great number of resources that I can use (including dear English major friends and teachers)... ;)

Well, that's it for now kids. Later I'm gonna write some about how TGIF is coming back to ABC this fall, and how this is the best thing ABC could have ever done seeing as how TGIF was such an integral part of my childhood.

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Well, this is my last day at this job... Can't say I'm going to miss it. But I think there is something to be said about completing things we don't really enjoy, and I guess work isn't supposed to be fun anyway. I mean not that it was hard or anything, and I did get to update my blog a lot, and talk to some of you online, but I just generally am not interested in anything that I do here.

Anyway, I should start looking for a job I guess... Maybe later, after I come back from Fort Lauderdale. I just want to take my mind off of things for a little while.

So have fun whatever you guys do, and play nice.

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Ok guys, which picture do you like better? I didn't have enough time to make a new poll...

edit: nevermind i already changed it.
I just got an email that said "this email could be worth $24,000!!" as the subject, so for a good laugh, I checked it out. It's an "invitation" to check out how this guy thinks people can get rich quickly.

I know how he got rich. He got rich by selling a bunch of pointless books telling us how to get rich.

But... I guess he LOOKS honest enough:

Anyway, this disgruntled looking lady: made a quarter million from his "strategy", and this way-too-happy man: acquired a 91 unit apartment complex using "none of hisown money"... So, does that make him rich or something?

Who cares people?
At the end of a day that will live in infamy (for me anyhow... you know, one of those "if anything could go wrong it would" type days), I got to talk to my mom for about 2 hours (after much prayer and supplication). We talked about stuff that was totally unrelated to me and my life, which is a good break. We talked about things that have happened before and about what a rotten child my brother was. We laughed (a lot) about the times that my brother said something stupid and one time when he stole my mom's rental car when we had just moved to Tampa. He made it all the way to Atlanta and just couldn't drive normally, so he was pulled over by a cop and arrested... And he was all of 15 years old at the time...

At the end of the conversation I realized that for as many times as I have told people that I would give anything to live with my parents again, I sure hang on to Tampa like it's the be all end all of places to live. I realized that she has a huge house there and lives right near Phoenix (which has a lot of opportunity), so I told her that I was considering a move there.

I've only told two people this and I guess it's not that big of a deal, considering I would move back as soon as I could get up on my feet again. I have just felt so swamped for so long, and now that I have a job, it seems like the bills are even bigger, and school seems so much tougher. A little time away wouldn't hurt, I know so many of my friends that have moved here from other places in similar situations. Not to mention the fact that my mom's boyfriend is a really cool mechanic and can get the hook-up for my car (definitely not the main reason I'm going, but cool nonetheless).

So turns out this has been a year of change and molding, and I feel somewhat blessed, and also tried, that I can be guided by the Lord in so many ways. He is so much bigger than me, and He will have his way, whether I want the same thing or not. Eventually I pray that my desires coincide with his desires.

Haha, an interjection: This is a funny conversation I'm having with TheSockStealer:

Frogboy777: i might be moving to Arizona
TheSockStealer: why why why
Frogboy777: Because my mom lives there
TheSockStealer: but ... so?
Frogboy777: I hear the call of "no bills, no cooking, no chores"
TheSockStealer: buuut
TheSockStealer: Arizona sucks
TheSockStealer: like
TheSockStealer: it really does
TheSockStealer: it just called
TheSockStealer: and it told me it sucks
Frogboy777: LOL
TheSockStealer: for real

At one point in the conversation with mom, we started talking about my dad (they don't talk to each other so much). She told me that last time they talked (maybe a month ago) that he told her anytime she wanted to get together and have dinner he was up for it (which, seeing as how the distance between them is about a whole continent, strikes me as pretty funny) and that he could buy plane tickets anytime he wanted if she just "said the word". I was SHOCKED! The whole messy divorce and all the crap that followed for me and mom and several others was caused by his decision to leave us. Is that why I'm so fickle? I wonder if it's hereditary... Based on this, she told me not to tell him that she was coming or else he might come down here to and try to make his move (very weird scenario...)

Anyway, apart from all the times that I have prayed they would get back together, I actually felt like my mom was right in saying no to him, and basically laughing in his face. I was careful not to give my opinion however, because I do still want them to get married again, just when it is the right time, you know? I mean timing is everything; I'm learning that.