Friday, May 30, 2003

You likes?

Thursday, May 29, 2003

I've been recently informed that my blog is boring. Suggestions? Besides the pics of course, I still don't have a camera.
Yet another day of walking for Matt... I hate walking, especially at 1:30 in the afternoon in Tampa at the end of May.

While I'm here I guess I should go ahead and update again, I have nothing else to do. I think first though, I'm gonna go get a butterfinger and a coke... Only the healthiest for me. Gotta keep that figure you know.

Mmm. I eat in here all the time, but it's supposedly not allowed. I don't even try to hide it. I think they're too scared to say anything to me, because I always have this ominous look on my face (not really).

This is fun. I'm trying to find the coolest rearrangement for everyone's name. To do this, you have to make real words using every letter in your name. I'll start with a few, and you guys can add some if you want. I'm not gonna put your middle or last name up, but i will use those letters in the anagram. By the way, I'm getting all this info from anagram Oh, and I'm gonna add punctuation to some of them to make them statements or commands.

1. Matt - "Typewrite, taste my hell!"
2. Meg - "wench gleam"
3. Jess - "Eject bass hirer!"
4. Aud M. - "rum ready eye"
5. Aud A. - "Aide Ceaser soundly!"
6. Ed - "Avoiding neon willie."
7. Mic - "Schaefer memorabilia"

Ok, that's boring.

Anway, I'm gonna go call my house and see if anyone has called. :(


Tuesday, May 27, 2003

I'm sick of all this junk frustrating me. Stupid car. Stupid school. Stupid job. I had to walk to school today just so I could check my email. Well, I'm gonna make the most of it and try to stay here as long as I can as to make the most of this.

Edit: I just read this update on my site, and I'm not going to correct the previous statement. I'ts funny how redundant it is.

I got the new Daniel Bedingfield cd (the only one, that is) and it's pretty good. With the variety of songs he has on the radio, I didn't really know what to expect, and it's a little more poppy than I had anticipated. He's a Christian, believe it or not, and yes, I am quite positive after reading his "special thanks to" list. Anyway, thanks Audrey, for the enlightenment.

Speaking of, she came here the weekend before last and we had a grand time. When she got here we all went to youth group and then to smiley's (a christian improv club). It was ok; I've seen better skits there before*. Then Saturday we did a good deal of sitting. We passed some of the time by listening to Audrey play the piano and sing. She sang a little James Taylor, a little Nickel Creek, and a little Sarah McLaughlin. She made them sound even better than the originals! But what'd I expect? ;)

Anyway, we went to Bahama Breeze Saturday night, which was excellent, apart from the service, which wasn't all that bad I guess. I had a good time.

Well, that's that. I'm very hungry right now, but I don't have a car, so it looks like I'll be hungry until about 3:00 pm tomorrow. That's ok, I enjoy the atrophy of my muscles. Dag yo.

Oh, and my dad went to the emergency room today. He has high blood pressure and I think he wanted to make sure he wasn't having a stroke. That would've sucked. His birthday was yesterday by the way, which makes him 49 years and 1 day old. Less than a year until 50 dad, watch out.

Ok, I'm out, and probably just for a few minutes, I'll get bored and come back soon.

* I enjoy being able to use a semicolon correctly in a sentence.

Tuesday, May 20, 2003

Why is it that even in upper level engineering courses there are still the two retards in the back of the class giggling? Next time I'm gonna have to yell.

Thursday, May 15, 2003


This has been such a weird life.

Anyway, my roommate told me two days ago that he wanted to move back to Colorado and live with his brother... Guess who moved out and drove to Colorado this morning. What a strange guy... First all the problems, then, his delusions of grandeur, and finally, his harsh decisions. For the record, none of this was caused by me. We actually started to develop somewhat of a good relationship, once I started overlooking the fact that he's schizophrenic. It's just that Florida wasn't all he hoped it'd be. It's not all fun and games, work still sucks, and you have to pay bills when you don't live with mommy.

What was also odd is that he is 23, and I saw so many ways that he was so immature. I don't really know if he is fully to blame for that, seeing as how he had no bills until the past couple of months, but still. Learning responsibility is something that has to happen regardless of your upbringing... Having said that, I really hope he doesn't run from responsibility when he moves back to Colorado too.

Enough about him.

I got a job! I work for this lady at my church doing office stuff... I get to put brochures together for homes that are for sale as well. ***cheer!***

Oh, and if you care what happened last month during that weekend thing that I said I would tell you about, sorry... I don't feel like explaining it all. Just know that it involved a bad blind date (have you ever heard of a good one?), an unexpected trip to south carolina, and a near death experience involving the hood flying into the windshield at 85 mph.

Oh, by the way, I thought Xmen 2 rocked! I'm going to see the Matrix esta noche. What fun!

K, see ya.

Saturday, May 10, 2003

Ok, I promise I will get to telling you about my weird weekend sometime, but for now, enjoy this conversation between me and my cousin from new hampshire.

DrawPrimitive: Oh, our state icon crumbled to the ground last week.
DrawPrimitive: "The Old Man of the Mountain" fell
FrogBoy777: yeah i know
FrogBoy777: lol
FrogBoy777: that was funny
DrawPrimitive: WHAT????
FrogBoy777: so what is NH gonna do about it?
DrawPrimitive: We're going to take over Florida.
FrogBoy777: uh yeah...
DrawPrimitive: Actually nothing, we're probably just going to keep commemorating it, even though its' gone
FrogBoy777: that's sad...
FrogBoy777: they could just change everything to "the man in the mountain, only without a face"
DrawPrimitive: or just "the side of the mountain"
DrawPrimitive: or "the mountain in the mountain"
FrogBoy777: hahaha
FrogBoy777: "very average rock formation"
DrawPrimitive: Yes indeed, we're on the verge of creating a new New Hampshire.
DrawPrimitive: or not, I don't know.

Tuesday, May 06, 2003


My weekend was so comlicated... I'm sure I will leave somehting out if I try to tell you, nevertheless, I'll try to explain later.