Tuesday, September 09, 2003

So yeah. I totally came here to the library in my scrubby clothes, with messy hair that desperately needs to be cut, and a girl starts talking to me. A cute girl. She needed help getting on to the computer, so... What's a guy to do? I totally helped her (as I have for other, non-cute people... Don't judge...). ;)

She goes on to tell me that she's a foreign exchange student from Canada (ok, not so foreign, but hey...) and that she is down here for a year just taking some final classes before she gets her degree in... something sports related maybe? She has spent the past few months travelling around the continent (east coast, mexico, cali, up to west canada, and back across). I told her that I knew a bunch of people from Waterloo and the surrounding universities because of a Bible study conference I went to (which I had to explain to her, seeing as how she most likely isn't a Christian). We made more small talk for about 30 minutes and then did our own thing for about 20 more minutes online.

I saw the front page of hotmail.com several times on her screen as she just sat there, pretending to be checking her email over and over and over and over (you get the idea...), as I chatted with my cousin about this cute canadian girl who is totally talking to ME! And just as she stopped pretending to check her email again, she explains that she is still new here and kind of wants to go check it all out sometime, just to see things. She implied that it would be with me as she gave me her number and email address, with the super cool name at the top, Trinity.

So, am I in the Matrix or something (and not just because her name is Trinity)? Since when are cute girls attracted to me? Since when do girls EVER do things in a rational manner, like admitting the reciprocated attraction and taking a step? It's times like these that I start to think I'm either on the Truman show, or the CIA is after me. (Insert shifty eye animation here)

This is just too weird. I came here on a whim, just to check some email again, which I did an hour ago anyway, and I'm going home with an email address and a phone number that I didn't even solicate, from a really cool girl who is attracted (apparently) to the ugly Matt (yes, I know I'm not attractive, but today is even worse... Didn't try at ALL).

Top of the world I tell ya.

Now don't get all Uber-conservative on me, I know I'm not going to ask her out on a date or anything, she's probably not even a Christian. But it's still helps out the old self-esteem.


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